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行业资讯 当前位置: 首页>>新闻资讯>>行业资讯现在建筑行业资质代办的难点在哪里?


发布时间:2022-03-15 来源:https://www.jinanchengjiu.com/

First of all, we should know that the qualification of an enterprise comes from its own conditions, which is to have relevant documents to prove its production capacity. However, most enterprises can not meet this condition, so they need to handle the enterprise qualification agency.
1. Which companies need enterprise qualification agency?
Generally speaking, companies that need qualification agency probably have these industries: construction, communication, water conservancy, etc. many industries need qualification certification. They can carry out business only after passing the certification.
2. Taking the construction enterprise as an example, what should the construction enterprise qualification agency pay attention to?
First of all, before the enterprise qualification agency, we should first get familiar with the handling process, know what materials need to be prepared and what links there are, and try to avoid doing superfluous things. Secondly, it doesn't mean that you can do it through enterprise qualification without anything. You need relative conditions, such as the number of equipment, technical support, etc., instead of only one document.
Note that the enterprise qualification agency itself takes a certain time. If the corresponding documents are not prepared or the conditions are not reached, it is difficult to run the qualification.
Colleagues in the construction industry know that it is very difficult to upgrade the qualification now, which is much more difficult than before. The assessment of project performance, personnel certificates and materials is very strict. Even the declaration materials prepared for a long time can easily be rejected. How to simplify this complex problem?
1, 选择正规的公司进行资质升级
1. Select a regular company for qualification upgrading
As the saying goes, there is specialization in the art industry. The same is true in the construction industry. Enterprises that have a good reputation for construction may not know how to prepare the application materials, and may not be able to make the project performance report very complete. So things need to be handed over to people who can get twice the result with half the effort.
2, 资质升级找代办公司贵吗?
2. Is it expensive to find an agent company for qualification upgrading?
The specific price should be analyzed and quoted according to the specific situation, which can not be generalized and complete. Different construction companies have different scales, how many projects they have done, and which qualified personnel in the enterprise will affect the difficulty of upgrading. However, auxiliary upgrading through regular companies must be beneficial without harm. It can not only save a lot of time, but also save human and material resources and reduce the operation cost of enterprises.
The above is the detailed introduction of Jinan qualification management, which I hope will be helpful to you If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us We will provide you with professional service https://www.jinanchengjiu.com
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