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行业资讯 当前位置: 首页>>新闻资讯>>行业资讯需要知道的资质代办陷阱


发布时间:2022-02-24 来源:https://www.jinanchengjiu.com/

Before contracting projects, construction enterprises must apply for relevant qualifications before they can start construction. Although the qualification process is clearly written on the government website, you really have to do it. If you don't have experience in this field, you will find it difficult. Therefore, in order to save time and energy, some construction enterprises will find a qualification agency to handle it on their behalf. However, at present, the qualified agency market is mixed, and enterprises need to carefully select the agency company. Shandong construction enterprise qualification agency will take you to understand the pitfalls that need to be beware of in the process of construction qualification agency.
1、 The certificate can be issued within one month. The agency company handles the qualification on behalf of the enterprise, which is generally faster than the enterprise itself, but after all, it is only the agency, and the qualification certificate is not issued by them, not how long they want to do it. How long the qualification certificate can be run depends on what type of qualification the enterprise runs. Some qualifications may take a shorter time, while others may take a longer time. In addition, if the materials prepared by the enterprise are sufficient, it may be faster; If you always need supplementary materials, it may be slower.
2、 The agency fee is low in the industry. Many agency companies attract customers online with very low agency prices. Of course, for enterprises that need to apply for qualification, the lower the agency fee, the better. However, when enterprises decide to choose the agency company, they should not only listen to the low-cost publicity of the agency company, but also ask about the content of the agency fee and the payment method, so as to avoid the agency company adding money in the middle, which makes the enterprise neither do it nor do it, resulting in a lot of wronged money.
三、头口承诺。 代办资质,一切应以代理合同为准。不要相信代办公司和业务员的任何口头承诺,免得将来发生纠纷的时候,有口说不清。
3、 Head promise. The agency qualification shall be subject to the agency contract. Don't trust any oral promises made by the agent company and the salesman, so as not to be confused in case of disputes in the future.
4、 Have a "relationship" with the government. It is normal for the agency company to deal with the government departments handling qualification and be familiar with the relevant government departments and personnel. However, this relationship does not have a great impact on qualification handling. What the agency company can do is mainly to help the enterprise meet the qualification standards as much as possible and run itself as soon as possible.
5、 We are fully committed to it. The agency company is not a God, but is more familiar with the qualification process. What the agency company can do for the enterprise, including the preparation of some materials, the allocation of personnel, running back and forth, and so on. However, the qualification certificate is issued by the relevant competent department after all. If the conditions of the enterprise are too far from the qualification standard, the agency company may be powerless.
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