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公司资讯 当前位置: 首页>>新闻资讯>>公司资讯施工资质办理时需要留意的几个方面难题


发布时间:2022-01-11 来源:https://www.jinanchengjiu.com/

Several problems needing attention in handling construction qualification
When some companies enter the construction industry, it is inevitable to authorize and entrust the construction qualification handling organization to entrust the qualification handling because they do not know the details of the qualification agency. In today's sales market, there are many qualification handling enterprises. When selecting the qualification agency, we must pay attention to finding a reliable company. How many problems should be paid attention to when selecting construction qualification?
1、 Cheap, faster
I like to get everything at a low cost, but I don't know. Many enterprises use cheapness as a marketing means to attract you. In the past, the contract has been negotiated, the application has just begun, and the qualification agency takes a long time, because the customer doesn't have established provisions in the contract, and some surcharges appear on the way. In case of urgency, it is difficult for the company. The speed level is all positively related to the price. In some cases, some matters can not be urgent. The asymmetry of the company's information was blown into darkness by the salesman. He signed in a muddle and regretted it. As everyone knows, qualification management here has a good foundation on the one hand and is a reliable and good enterprise.
2、 Shouting the pretext of saving time and effort, he said that the time for handling certificates was short
Some agency companies claim that the qualification certificate is completed faster in January, which is difficult to achieve. The whole process of qualification agency is complicated. According to many complicated steps, registered constructors and sufficient registered constructors need to apply for registration to the company, and the basis of residential construction units should also be obtained in the whole process of applying for registration. It will take about 3 months for the company to recruit registered constructors and successfully apply for registration. After the registered constructor is successful, he can immediately prepare the application for raw materials in advance. Raw materials: enterprise qualification, standard certification, etc., which will take about one week. After the qualification application is submitted, there will be a waiting time of one month. A month later, after the results are publicized, the company can get the qualification certificate.
3、 Verbal service commitments are not included in the contract
In the whole process of specific communication, there will be some contradictions between the two sides. In order to better sign the contract, the contractor will verbally promise many things for your inner consideration, but it is not established in the contract. If you emphasize some difficult problems, the contractor has always signed the standard version number of the contract.
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